Thunder worldwide

Par Thierry, 3 février, 2020

The Thunder community keeps growing and growing! In December we welcomed our 20th Certified Thunder Integrator and we would like to use this occasion to provide you a short update.

Our 20 Certified Thunder Integrators are based in a total of 55 cities in 21 countries. In Germany alone there are 18 cities in which Thunder experts are based. Those located furthest away from Munich (where Thunder originated) are Valuebound in San Jose, California (9,458km) and Netnode in Chiang-Mai, Thailand (8,279km).

More than 634 employees work at our CTIs. If one were to add up the time spent registered on it would amount to more than 3000 years of Drupal experience!

We ourselves do not even know how many Thunder sites there are in total. As an open source product, anyone can download, use and change our distribution without our knowledge. On more than 700 sites report using Thunder. Our CTIs have by themselves created more than 85 Thunder websites and share their experiences with the community.

Certified Thunder Integrator Badge

About our CTI program
Certified Thunder Integrators (CTI) are IT consultancies, developers, agencies, and similar IT professionals with proven knowledge and practical experience in managing and implementing successful Thunder projects. CTIs need to be certified by the Thunder Core Team. They can help you to implement your Thunder site.