Thunder Day 2018 - cool, global and forward-looking

Par Thierry, 28 novembre, 2018

The future of Online Publishing was the central focus at Thunder Day 2018. Experts from media, IT, and open source not only shared their experiences of the media world with Online Publishing but also provided food for thought regarding future trends, expectations, and challenges. Particular attention was given to the question as to how income can be generated in the future from sources other than classic advertising. Numerous speakers were present, from companies such as Microsoft, Gruner + Jahr, Axel Springer, and BOTlabs who provided insights into their business models and work with Open Source systems such as Drupal or Thunder.

With over 150 participants from 10 countries, 23 well selected speakers and a creative presenter, we pulled off a fantastic event for networking, discussions and further learing. There was a bit of everything at the event: content-rich presentations, spontaneous discussions, exciting interactive activitities, entertainment, artistic elements and a very cool location. A really lively atmosphere could be sensed, especially during the breaks and get-togeher in the evening.

All participants grouped themselves into intense conversations and discussed presentation topics. Business cards were swapped, plans discussed and there was much head-nodding and laughing as old friends met again. Each of the participants contributed to the success of the event, like individual pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. And that is exactly what Thunder Day is all about, a global platform bringing together experts from IT, Media and Open Source, enabling them to talk about topics as equals, network and discuss new ideas and perspectives.

Thunder Day 2018 ran from 26th to 27th November in Berlin and was a great success for us. We are very pleased with the positive feedback from participants which will enable us to strengthen our plans with Thunder and Thunder Day. We are already looking forward to seeing even more old friends and new faces!